The Examination Of Faculty Qualifications
Faculty Promotion Evaluation
Contact Person:Sun, Chien- Hui Extension:2257
Please refer to Ming Chuan University Procedures for Faculty Promotion (2022.12.05)
Flow chart:
The applicants apply for promotion by accessing the faculty evaluation system, making a resume and preparing relevant documents.→ the evaluation committee of the department → the evaluation of school → the Human Resources office → to the academic evaluation committee → to the Human Resource office for school evaluation committee → to MOE after the president's approval
1. Faculty members who would like to apply for promotion must prepare: the faculty qualification evaluation resume (please access the faculty evaluation system of MOE at http://www.schprs.edu.tw), faculty promotion application data, faculty promotion application form, publications or works for review, and reference work pieces (comply with the requirement of each School), 500-word summary in Chinese (3 copies), current faculty certificate, copies of the Contract (Offer of Employment) for the recent 3 years, authorization certificates from co-authors (when works sent for review have multiple authors) and relevant information of teaching or service evaluation.
2. Faculty members are required to prepare their work and relevant documents to apply with their department (graduate program). After the preliminary assessment, the application is sent to School evaluation committee for second review. Then, the application is then sent to Faculty Review and Evaluation Committee by the Human Resources Division for external review.
3. After the external review, Human Resources Division will send the applications to the University Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee for review. Once the applications are approved by the president, they will be reported to MOE for final review and approval.
1. Ming Chuan University Procedures for Faculty Promotion (2022.12.05)
2. Ming Chuan University Procedures for Credential Evaluations Related to Faculty Promotion (2008.10.27)
3. Ming Chuan University Procedures for Dealing with Teacher Qualification Screening Violations and Academic Ethics Cases (2018.01.15)
4. Ming Chuan University Procedures for Faculty Promotion Review Subsidization (2012.05.28)
5. Accreditation Regulations Governing Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education (2022.08.17)
6. Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition Foreign Academic Records by Institutions of Higher Education (2014.08.05)
7. Notices for faculty promotion evaluation at institution of higher education according to Judicial Yuan Interpretations No.462. (Chinese only)
For faculty who apply to promote with academic publications/ works or achievements/ technical reports:
1. Timeline for promotion application process:
Please go to Ming Chuan University web site → log in→ "Work" section → select "E-form" → fill in application form for online process checklist. (Chinese only)
2. Faculty Promotion Review Document Checklist:
(1) Academic research papers (Chinese only) (2022.12.20) ( .Doc .Odt )
(2) Teaching-related academic research papers (Chinese only) (2022.12.20) ( .Doc .Odt )
(3) Works or achievements (Chinese only) (2022.12.20) ( .Doc .Odt )
(4) Technical reports (Chinese only) (2022.12.20) ( .Doc .Odt )
3. Faculty Promotion Application Form:(2022.12.27) ( .Doc .Odt )
4. Faculty Promotion Application Data :
(1) Promotion by Publications (including technical reports) (Chinese / English) (2021.01.08) ( .Doc .Odt )
(2) Promotion by Works (Chinese/English) ( .Doc .Odt )
5. Certificates from Co-authors (Chinese only) (2022.12.06) ( .Doc .Odt )
6. Reference list of reviewers to avoid (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )
7. Teaching and service evaluation results for faculty promotion (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )
8. Faculty Promotion Self-assessment Form for teaching and service (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )
9. Teaching and service evaluation results for faculty promotion (part-time faculty) (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )
For faculty who apply for promotion based on higher degree:
1. Apply for online process checklist (only for lecturers under the prior promotion system in the university):
please go to Ming Chuan University web site → log in → "Work" section → select "E-form" → fill in application form for promotion application process timeline. (Chinese only)
2. Checklist for faculty promotion application based on higher degree:
(1) Faculty promotion based on degree (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )
(2) Faculty promotion for lecturers under the university’s earlier promotion system (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )
3. Teaching and service evaluation results for faculty promotion (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )
4. Faculty Promotion Self-assessment Form for teaching and service (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )
5. Teaching and service evaluation results for faculty promotion (part-time faculty) (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )
6. Study status for faculty members with foreign degrees (Chinese only) ( .Doc .Odt )