Regulations- Ming Chuan University Organizational Code (Approved as MOE document Tai Gao (1) 1110124107 on December 27, 2022) (Research and Development Division)
- Ming Chuan University Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee Procdeures (Revision of Article 13 passed at the University Affairs Committee Meeting on December 5, 2022)
- Ming Chuan University Regulations for Establishing School Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committees (Revised and passed at the University Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee on May 25, 2021 )
- Ming Chuan University Regulations for Establishing Department (Graduate Program) Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committees (Revised and passed at the University Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee on May 25, 2021 )
- Ming Chuan University Faculty Review and Evaluation Committee Organizational Charter (Revised and passed at the University Affairs Committee Meeting on June 21, 2011 )
- Ming Chuan University Guidelines Concerning the Organization and Review Process of the Faculty Appeal and Review Committee (Approved by the MOE Document Tai Shen 0940089352 on June 30, 2005 )
- Ming Chuan University Employee Review Committee Procedures (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on April 12, 2010 )
- Ming Chuan University Employee Grievance Review Committee Procedures (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on April 12, 2010 )
- Ming Chuan University Regulations for Establishing Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on May 8, 2023 )
- Ming Chuan University Faculty Employment and Service Regulations (Passed at the University Affairs Committee Meeting on February 26, 2024)
1-1. Ming Chuan University Full-time Faculty Appointment Regulations (Passed at the University Affairs Committee Meeting on February 26, 2024 - Ming Chuan University Procedures for the Appointment of Part-time Faculty Members (Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on May 13, 2024)
2-1. Ming Chuan University Part-time Faculty Appointment Regulations (Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on October 30, 2023) - Ming Chuan University Procedures for Visiting Professors (Revised and Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on July 15, 2010)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Establishing Specially Contracted Lectures (Revised and Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on February 23, 2009)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for the Appointment of Visiting Professors (Revised and Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on March 1, 2010)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for the Appointment of Researchers (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on November 10, 1997)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Appointing Professionals with Technical or Business Expertise to Faculty Positions (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on June 3, 2019)
- Ming Chuan University Staff Members Appointment Procedures (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on April 18, 2011)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Employing and Managing Special Program Staff Members (The salary adjustment amendment to Article 6 of the Attached Table, effective on January 1, 2024)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Salary Payment to Faculty and Staff Members (Articles 3 and 4 were reviewed and approved with official document no. 1110001416 on July 14, 2022)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Nominating Academic Administrators (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on October 3, 2022)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures of Full-time Faculty Cross-appointment (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on December 15, 2008)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Appointing Honorary Professors (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on June 1, 2015)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Appointing Honorary Invited Professors (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on June 15, 2015)
- Ming Chuan University Appointment Procedures for Special Program Faculty (Revised and Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on May 6, 2024)
- Ming Chuan University Guidelines for Recruiting Exceptional Talents (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on December 5, 2022)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Faculty Promotion (Passed at the University Affairs Committee Meeting on December 5, 2022, Effective from February 1, 2023)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Credential Evaluations Related to Faculty Promotion (Revised and passed at the University Affairs Committee Meeting on October 27, 2008)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Dealing with Teacher Qualification Screening Violations and Academic Ethics Cases (Passed at the Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee Meeting on July 09, 2024)
- List of the Information for Credential Examination of Faculty Promotion
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Faculty Promotion Review Subsidization (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on November 11, 2024)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Establishing Faculty Qualification Review Recognition Task Force(Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on November 11, 2024)
Regulations by Ministry of Education (MOE):
7-1. Regulations Governing Accreditation of Teacher Qualifications at Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education (August 17, 2022)
7-2. Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education (August 5, 2014)
7-3. Notices for faculty promotion evaluation at institution of higher education according to Judicial Yuan Interpretations No.462. (Chinese version)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Faculty Member Evaluations (Revised and passed at the University Affairs Committee Meeting on June 13, 2022) (Research and Development Division)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures regarding Flexible Salary for Faculty Members (Reported as MOE document Tai Gao (3) 1000112584 on July 4, 2011)
2-1. Ming Chuan University Procedures regarding Flexible Salary for Teaching Excellence Talents (chinese version)(Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on November 14, 2022)
2-2. Ming Chuan University Procedures for Rewarding Excepitional Research Talents (Revised and Passed at the Expanded Administrative Council Meeting on June 11, 2018)
2-3. Ming Chuan University Procedures regarding Flexible Salary for Excellence Service and Counseling (Passed at the Administration Council Meeting on June 21, 2011)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Extending Professors’ Periods of Service and Relaxation of Standards for Appointing Full-time Associate Professor Due to Outstanding Academic Performance (Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on May 6, 2024)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Faculty Secondments (Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on December 25, 2023)
- Notices Regarding Full-time Foreign Faculty Members Applying for Alien Residence Certificates
- Ming Chuan University Guidelines for Foreign Faculty Grant and Subsidy Applications (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on June 22, 2009)
- Ming Chuan University Staff Members Service Regulations (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on May 30, 2022)
- Important Matters for Recently Appointed Ming Chuan University Faculty Members
- Ming Chuan University Regulations Concerning the Probationary Period for Newly Appointed Staff Members
- Ming Chuan University Staff Members Promotion Procedures (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on December 5, 2011)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Employee Job Rotation (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on October 20, 2014)
- Ming Chuan University Regulations for Staff Members on Duty (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on April 22, 2019)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures of Transferring Duties (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on May 7, 2007)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Assessing the Performance of Faculty and Staff Members (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on September 12, 2022)
- Ming Chuan University Guidelines for the Use and Management of Faculty and Staff Members ID Cards
- Ming Chuan University Guidelines for Domestic and Overseas Business Trip Expense Reimbursement (Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on December 21, 2020) (Controller's Division)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for the Reward of Faculty and Staff Members with Many Years of Service (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on March 12, 2007)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for the Reward of Excellent Employees (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on April 18, 2011)
- Ming Chuan University Guidelines for Controlling Staff Member Overtime Work and Make-up Leaves (passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on November 23, 2015)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Avoiding Conflict of Interest for Board Members, Administrators, Faculty and Staff Members (Passed at the Board of Directors Meeting on June 25, 2009)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Handling Full-time Faculty Members with Off-campus Part-time Jobs (Passed at University Affairs Committee on November 15, 2021 (Effective on February 1, 2022)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Encouraging Faculty Members to Pursue Research and Further Study (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on December 22nd, 2014)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Administrative Staff Members On-job Continuing Study (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on June 10, 2019)
- Ming Chuan University Faculty Sabbatical Leave Procedures (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on May 28, 2012)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Unpaid Faculty and Staff Members Parental Leave (Revised and passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on June 3, 2019)
- Ming Chuan University Guidelines for Full-time Faculty Members and Special Program Faculty Members Overseas Exchange and Interaction (Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on April 13, 2020)
- Guidelines for Overseas Faculty Members Implementing Exchange and Interaction at MCU (Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on April 13, 2020)
- Guidelines on Subsidies for science and technology personnel short-term study abroad (Chinese Version,Ministry of Science and Technology,October 13, 2023)
- Important matters related to subsidies for science and technology personnel short-term study abroad (Chinese Version,Ministry of Science and Technology, June 12, 2018)
- Ming Chuan University Research or Study Reward Application Procedures for Faculty Members (Revised and passed at the Faculty Review and Evaluation Committee on August 12, 2021)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Funding Support for Full-time Faculty Members Presenting Papers at International Academic Conferences (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on November 14, 2016)
- Ming Chuan University Procedures for Management of Full-time Research Assistants (Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on October 24, 2011)
1-1. Ming Chuan University Guidelines for Salary Payment to Full-time Staff Members of Commissioned Projects (The salary adjustment amendment to Article 3 of the Attached Table, effective on January 1, 2024)
- Notices Regarding Administrative Staff Members Who Assist in Research Projects (Revised and passed at Administrative Council Meeting on October 30, 2023)
- Ming Chuan University Rules Concerning the Submission of Faculty Proposals for Research at Governmental and Private Institutions