Personal Information
Vice President For Administrative Affairs / Executive Director Of Human Resources Division
CHIH, WEN-LiContact
E-mail: wlchyr@mail.mcu.edu.tw
Extension: 2732First Duty Agent:Fan, Chung-Yuan Secretary General
Second Duty Agent:Lu, CHIA-HSIEN Acting Section Chief
Management of personnel affairs.
Development and research of personnel affairs.
Planning and improvement of personnel affairs.
Planning of personnel regulations.
Studies of personnel support, manpower distribution and personnel rotation.

Personal Information
Senior Clerk And Acting Section Chief
E-mail: chlu@mail.mcu.edu.tw
Extension: 2256Duty Agent:HUANG, YI-CHEN
Affairs of Government Employee and School Staff Insurance.
Affairs of National Health Insurance.
Calculation and declaration of the supplementary premiums of 2nd generation health insurance.
Affairs of excess annuity for Civil Servant Insurance.
Affairs of external assessment for faculty promotion.
Collection and revision of MCU personnel regulations; editing MCU personnel regulations and Personnel Handbook.
Management of disabled and indigenous employees' employment data.
Affairs of contracted faculty and staff members' pension, relief and leave fund.
Affairs of allocation for the Pension Preparation Fund of General Laborers.
Management of General Laborer employment, report-in, job resumption, resignation affairs of annual General Laborer performance evaluations.
Collection and revision of MCU laborer regulations; Manage Laborer attendance.
Affairs of employment and resignation of special program full-time assistants.
Establish MCU online personnel information subordinate system.
Establishment of MCU Online Personnel Information System (newly appointed faculty members).
Management of roster of directors’ deputies and roster of faculty and staff representatives for University Affairs Committee Meeting.
Applications for MOE Academic Awards and National Chair Professorship.
Affairs of Sexual Harassment Complaints.

Personal Information
E-mail: cfwu@mail.mcu.edu.tw
Extension: 2227Duty Agent:Lu, CHIA-HSIEN
Registration and distribution of job candidates’ application documents to units.
Management of staff employment, report-in, job resumption, resignation (includes short-term contract and special program staff members).
Annual faculty performance evaluation affairs.
Issuance of letter informing faculty of seniority-based salary adjustment.
Affairs of examination for Special Program Staff Members transferring to MCU full-time administrative staff roster.
Management of faculty, staff and general laborer members’ affairs regarding commendation for remarkable achievements and discipline for violation of university regulations.
Affairs of Employee Review Committee.
Awards affairs for senior faculty and staff members.
Applications for MOE service rewards and awards to outstanding and senior faculty members.
Provision of HR-related data to MOE (including overall roster, and for university accreditation visits).
Maintenance of MOE's Private University Affairs Development Online System.
Management of MCU Online Personnel Information System.
Maintenance of MCU Online staff Allocation System.
Provision of personnel data to units recruiting new employees.
Personnel information enquiries for recruiting employees.
Human Resources Division- Personal Information Operations.
Management of work-study students in Human Resources Division.

Personal Information
Senior Clerk
E-mail: chsun@mail.mcu.edu.tw
Extension: 2257
Teachers' employment, report-in, job resumption, resignation.
Affairs of Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee.
Faculty transfer and contract renewal, and production of offer of employment letters.
Review of faculty qualification and academic credential verifications.
Affairs of faculty promotion (including format for submission to reviewers).
Applications for issuance of Teaching Certificates from MOE.
Investigation of faculty off-campus part-time teaching situations.
Affairs of faculty sabbatical leave.
Affairs of faculty plagiarism and qualification screening violations.
Matters of faculty violation of academic ethics.
Delivery of faculty dissertation and research works to National Taiwan Library and MCU Library for preservation.
Affairs of work permit letters for foreign faculty members.
Annual budget planning and verification.
Management of office facilities.

Personal Information
Senior Clerk
E-mail: dawnc@mail.mcu.edu.tw
Extension: 2258Duty Agent:SUN, CHIEN-HUI
Collection, delivery, sorting, advising and recording official documents.
Registration and distribution of faculty candidates’ application documents to respective units.
Publication of job openings for recruiting new faculty and staff members and general laborers.
Processing applications for faculty and staff members pursuing research and further study, and for job resumption.
Management and planning for staff members' educational training (includes thematic seminars).
Affairs of faculty secondment.
Affairs of funding support for faculty members presenting papers at international academic conferences.
Affairs of research/study reward applications for full-time faculty members
Affairs of compiling Human Resources Mid-range Plan and Strategic Plan.
Provision of information regarding university program accreditation and institutional accreditation.
Affairs regarding Assessment and Evaluation Workshops.
Affairs of faculty and staff reading groups.
Affairs of recommending experts from public construction and. central governing authorities.
Assistance with court-related affairs.
Production of part-time faculty ID cards.
Affairs of three Chinese festival bonuses from president of the Republic of China.

Personal Information
Senior Clerk
E-mail: yichuang@mail.mcu.edu.tw
Extension: 2255Duty Agent:WU, CHIA-FEN
Faculty and staff manpower allocation.
Management of salary assessment and reappointment of salary scales.
Applications and document examination for the extension of faculty service years.
Roster for authorizing higher salary rank.
Management of faculty and staff members' promotion and assignment.
Management of faculty and staff members' retirement, relief and severance.
Affairs of faculty and staff members' pension, relief and leave fund.
Affairs of allocated withdrawals from faculty and staff compensation fund.
Establishment and maintenance online information system for Private Education Institution Faculty and Staff Pension Fund Association.
Processing overall manpower check for each unit.
Management of the handover process for administrative directors and staff.
Affairs of group insurance.
Affairs of business travel insurance.
Establishment of faculty and staff member's name and registry form.
Establishment and maintenance of employees' personal data package.
Issuance of faculty and staff member service certificates.

Personal Information
Special Program Senior Clerk
Tai, Wei-TungContact
E-mail: 1131596@mail.mcu.edu.tw
Extension: 2259Duty Agent:CHANG, HSIAO-YUN
Management of faculty and staff member attendance.
Management of staff attendance and clock-in/out system.
Affairs of reviewing leave applications
Maintenance of MCU Human Resources Division website.
Production of faculty and staff ID cards (including desktop name cards).
Editing of MCU job descriptions.
Analysis of MCU job satisfaction survey.
MSCHE Accreditation Affairs.
Collection and maintenance of information regarding institutional internal audit.
Collection and maintenance of personnel data related to AACSB.
Establishment of faculty members’ bilingual database and investigation of staff members’ English abilities.
Compilation of public university affairs and financial information
Compilation of KPI for MCU Human Resources Division.
English version personnel certificates and information.
Human Resources Division- Personal Information Operations.

Personal Information
Special Full-time Assistant
E-mail: wencc@mail.mcu.edu.tw
Extension: 2260Duty Agent:Lu, CHIA-HSIEN
Affairs of Professional Development Plan for University Admissions