1. Unit:
Journalism and Mass Communication Program of International College, Ming Chuan University
2. Job Title:
Adjunct instructor or assistant professor
3. Number of Candidates:
4. Location:
Taipei campus (Shih-Lin District)
5. Education:
Doctorate degree with research interests in media, communication or related areas (Minimum requirement is a Master Degree)
6. Fields of Specialty:
News reporting and writing related field, such as News Literacy, News Reporting and Writing, In-Depth Reporting and Newswriting, and Seminar on News Media Practices etc.
7. Application Materials Required:
(1) Curriculum vitae including the following content:
1.1 Education background & work experience
1.2 Research/Study field/Course offering
1.3 Publication list (within the last 3 years)
(2) A copy of PhD certificate (verified by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office)
(3) Other supplemental materials (certificates or documents of teaching experience in English language, awards, or patents)
(4) Design “News Literacy” or “News Reporting and Writing” course proposal that includes the following content: Course outcomes, course objective, course outline, weekly schedule and grading policy.
8. Application Deadline:
April 12, 2024 (by postmark)
9. Mailing Address:
Miss Wen-Hui Wang
Human Resource Division/ Ming Chuan University
250 Zhong Shan N. Rd., Sec. 5, Taipei 111, Taiwan
(Ensure “Seeking Part-time teaching position” is written on the envelope)
10. Contact Person:
Program secretary: Miss Selena Lin
886-2-2882-4564 ext. 2408
11. Notes:
(1) Announcement of Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement: The information collected in response to this recruiting advertisement is only for the purposes of administrative processing of recruitment affairs. Information is processed according to Ming Chuan University (MCU) information maintenance and security management regulations and shall not be disclosed or provided to any third party without prior consent, nor transferred for any other uses. (For more
details on personal information management, please refer to MCU Guidelines for Personal Information Protection Management and MCU Personal Information Management System at URL http://pims.mcu.edu.tw.)
(2) Application materials will not be returned.
(3) Only qualified candidates who are selected to interview will be contacted.
(4) If you have any questions, please contact JMC Program office